The Big, Bad Wolf? Why you shouldn’t be afraid to outsource your events…
At Kina Events, providing specialist outsourced events support is our speciality, creating innovative and exciting events for our clients across London and the South East. However, when speaking with potential clients, we often find that there is a huge amount of fear around taking the plunge and utilising a service such as ours.
Understandably, business owners and larger, hectic marketing teams alike are reluctant to fully let go. By nature, you’re control freaks – we get it! Recently, we’ve experienced a fair bit of reticence on this subject, which was the inspiration for this blog. The perfect summer read for those professionals for whom the thought of fully letting go is antithetical to how they do things…. We sincerely hope that at the end of this read you will feel a little more relaxed and confident in reaching out for external support for your event planning.
- Having your own internal marketing team
A number of our clients have an exceptional in-house marketing team and so, understandably, are reticent to pay a provider, such as ourselves, as an outsourced partner. However, what we find is that often highly accomplished marketing teams, especially during busy periods, such as right before Christmas or in the run up to September, are struggling to keep all the balls in the air, as it were. Frankly, they are simply over-stretched and over-worked! Which is where outsourced events management can really help in removing some of that burden, and allowing your in-house team to focus on other marketing priorities.
- Creative thinking
Event companies always include a number of event planning professionals whose natural creativity (as well as a meticulous attention to detail) saw them enter this particular vocation. It’s a job that you have to love in order to do – trust us on that one! That passion for events is what helps ensure an event is remembered for all the right reasons. For example at Kina Events, when planning any event, we use our experience and discretion to create appropriate suggestions that ensure your event doesn’t fade into the background but rather represents your company in the best way possible to your target demographic, because in truth, that’s the point of most corporate events; to act as powerful marketing experience – whether that’s entertaining and engaging existing clients, or attracting new ones.
- Value
Now we completely understand that a huge deterrent to outsourcing events is cost. Whilst there is, without question, a significant cost attached to engaging external events support; more often than not it can work out more effective to outsource. This is because any event planner worth their salt will have robust relationships with a large number of suppliers, meaning they are in a far better position to negotiate on costs and other details, and get you far more bang for your proverbial buck.
They know the common pitfalls to avoid, the tricks of the trade, and how to keep the ‘show on the road’ when the wheels appear to stop turning! They can probably also hit their proverbial ‘little black book’ with considerably more speed that you could manage with a Google search. But their real value is in thinking of all the little things that you may not have considered, anticipating and avoiding problems, amplifying your brand, and quick problem-solving – so don’t view these costs as an hourly rate/trade-off. Let them work their events magic, and you won’t doubt the value a great event planner can add.
- Time efficient
The problem with planning an event is that it not only requires time before, but also during, and even after, the event itself. To organise a great event, you’ll need to spend time negotiating and liaising with suppliers and managing a complex number and variety of tasks. Just ask most people if they enjoyed organising their own wedding, for example, and they will all tell you they lost weeks and weeks of their lives organising all the details (even if they enjoyed it, they had to kiss their personal life goodbye for a while to manage it). At the event itself, when you’re usually dead on your feet, you’ll also need to make sure everything is fully set-up, raring to go, and also cleared away at the end. This means that instead of networking with your key business contacts, you may well find yourself running around like a headless chicken and not be able to make the most of your event, which would be a real shame. Plus, if you engage external support then you don’t have to be the last person to leave!
- Testimonials
Lastly, but by no means least, is the fact that all event planners can be checked out through the use of testimonials. There is no reason why you can’t ask to speak to some of their current clients to gain a better understanding of your potential event planner, how they operate, their communication style, the types of events they have experience of, and more broadly the value they add. So don’t be shy in asking for testimonials, they can really help you get a sense of if a particular event planner is the right ‘fit’ for you and your organisation.
And so… if we have managed to convince you, or you would like to ask some more questions, please contact the Kina Events team on 020 7205 7901 or send us an email. Find out more about our events mentoring service – https://www.kinaevents.com/events-mentoring/
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