How to use Covid-19 to help you set new goals for 2021
January is traditionally the time we set ourselves new resolutions and goals for the coming year.
You might feel like there’s no point doing this for 2021 as the Covid-19 pandemic rumbles on with so much uncertainty in its wake.
But – looking at it another way – this new year could be a unique opportunity to look at how you want to spend the next 12 months with a fresh perspective.
In all likelihood you weren’t able to reach all of the goals you set yourself for 2020 in what was a tumultuous year for everyone.
But don’t assume you didn’t achieve anything. You will have done much more than you realise, maybe just not what you had planned.
Explore fresh goals for 2021
It won’t be the same for everyone, but you may also find that your experiences in 2020 changed how you see things, how you want to live your life and your priorities.
So don’t be tempted to simply copy and paste your 2020 goals into 2021.
Instead, start by writing down anything you achieved last year in both your work and personal life last year.
Did you enjoy working at home, did you learn a new skill, or start a new hobby?
How have your priorities changed in the last year?
Now consider how you can incorporate the positives you took from 2020 into your goals for 2021 and beyond.
When setting your aims, be specific, set a target date and ensure each goal is measurable.
“My goals for 2021 include a mix of professional and personal targets, with a few big, longer-term aims – for example, where I want my business to be by the end of the year,” says Alex, founder of Kina Events.
“I’ve also set smaller, quicker goals which can be achieved throughout the year which will take me a step closer to achieving the overarching goals.
“This makes everything feel much more achievable – and I, for one, am much more likely to stay on track and stick to my targets.”
Professional development is a must
You might not think it, but goals around professional development are particularly important at the moment, especially for those working in the events industry.
With virtual and hybrid events likely to be around for some time (possibly forever), it’s important for everyone in the industry to learn and adapt – so you might want to consider increasing your skills in virtual event technology, for example.
Or, after all the cancelled events caused by Covid-19, you might decide it’s a good time to increase your contractual agreements know-how and ensure yours are in good shape.
“Growing your skills and experience should still be a priority even when you’ve worked in the industry for many years; there’s always something new to learn or improve upon, especially in times like these,” Alex says.
“Take some time to review and reflect, perhaps seeking advice and feedback from others.”
If you identify any opportunities for development, research training courses or seek a new challenge to take you out of your comfort zone and help you learn something new.
Work with an events mentor
Working with a mentor is also a great way to improve your skills, problem solve and move up the ladder.
You may already know someone who could help, or perhaps a contact can put you in touch with the perfect person.
Alternatively, you could consider working with an expert events mentor from Kina Events who can help support and develop events professionals at any stage of their career.
Our mentors have lived through – and survived – all the ups and downs of event management, so they know the issues you’re facing and can help you solve them.
Whatever your career aspirations, it’s important to have a plan and steer your career in the direction you want it to go in.
But – as we’ve all been reminded in the last year – we should always be open to surprises and opportunities that come along, even if they don’t entirely fit with our masterplan.
Good luck for 2021 – let us know your aims for the year and your own goal-setting tips.
For prices and to find out more about the Kina Events mentoring programme, please email
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